Thursday 15 October 2015


The graph of the curve is  normally shifting of curve is adding a constant value to a standard curves like  y=x, y=X2,y=sin(x) etc..
Lets take a function f(x)=y and the constant be some ‘k’.
1.   If we add k to ‘x’ i.e y=f(x+k),then the curve will be shifted k units towards left.
2.   If we subtract k to ‘x’ i.e y=f(x-k),then the curve will be shifted k units towards right.
3.   If we add k to ‘y’ i.e (y+k)=f(x),then the curve will be shifted k units towards down.
4.   If we subtract k to ‘y’ i.e (y-k)=f(x),then the curve will be shifted k units towards up.
For example lets take a curve y=|x|
The graph of the curve is
For the 1st one i.e f(x+k) 

For the 2nd one i.e f(x-k)
 For the 3rd one i.e (y+k)=f(x) 
 For the 4th one i.e (y-k)=f(x) 
Same thing can be done for shifting of any curve.

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